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The Penny Arcade

 The Coin Operated Machine Information Site 

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This majority of  site is free for all to use, A PayPal donation of £2 or more towards the site's upkeep  will give the user lifetime access to the restricted pages such as the ability to sell buy or bid on items through the site.

         Thank You

           Welcome  to  the  old  Penny  Arcade

        Now  one  of  the  busiest Slot Machine

                     Related  sites  on  the  web 

   So come on in, get some coins from the change man by the door

           (he's the one with the long chain of keys round his neck)

          and spend some time wandering among the bright lights 

          and loud noises from the amusement arcades of the past





    This site is now running under a top rated security certificate and is as safe to use as any on the net


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   Learn more about this type of machine at the "AllWin Gallery"      See this machine in action on the "Hawtins" Page


   It is our intention to host a resource for those interested in slot machines from the age of The  Penny Arcade. We hope it will be of interest to those who may wish to relive their youth or maybe, having acquired such a machine are interested in widening their knowledge of it and the genre in general. By attempting to provide an interesting and knowledgeable website we have amassed details from many different locations including our memories. Hopefully saving you the time and trouble searching for it yourself. A fact of life when undertaking something like this is crediting and validating what you include. As we weren't present at any of the occasions photographed or described we don't know from whom anything really originates (except our own dodgy nostalgia). It then transpired that whoever we credited others got angry because they claimed the person we credited stole it from them. Then we got claims from those who have self-published their own books telling us we got it wrong, but not what their version was, or why it's more accurate. Most unhelpful. I personally know four different accounts of how Sega originated and started making Mills-type machines. And that's only sixty-odd years ago! So take it all in the manner it's offered. We don't want to pollute history with inaccuracies, however until the time machine is invented …....

This site is dedicated to the world of coin-operated machines of all kinds made before 1980, and the people who made them, the people who operated them and those who keep them alive today. The site is free for all to view with registered members having                                    access to the site's special features


 Check out our new "Beginners guide to collecting slots           HERE

 Pre-Decimal coins and  Slot machine tokens for Sale               HERE

 Got a question about any slot machine or vendor ask              HERE

                      The Latest New Sections & Updates

           (01/09/24 Menu page updated                                           HERE

           (15/11/23)  Bryans collection update                                HERE

           (08/02/23) R&W "Hat trick" for sale                                    HERE

          (26/01/23)  coin op Working Models                                  HERE

          (08/01/23)  Buckley collection updated                             HERE

          (08/11/22) replacement artwork available                        HERE

          (01/01/22)  Coin-operated Diggers Cranes (New)            HERE

                 (01/12/21) The Bell Fruit Collection (updated)                  HERE

               (20/05/21)  Bally collection updated                                   HERE

          (01/09/24 Grotchen Collection updated                             HERE

         (19/12/19)"The Tom Boland Collection" (New)                  HERE

         (26/12/19) "The Shefras Collection" (New)                         HERE

         (12/3/20) "Jennings Collection(updated)                            HERE

         (22/1/20)  "Jamiesons Collection(updated)                        HERE

         (29/2/20)   "Coin-operated Shooting Games(updated       HERE

         (15/5/21)   "The Mills Collection(updated)                          HERE

         (15/3/20)  "Useful Links" (repaired and updated)               HERE

         (16/3/20)  "Pace Collection" (updated)                                HERE

         (18/5/20)  "Williamson's Vintage Arcades" (New)              HERE

         (26/8/20)  "the Wondermatics Collection" (New)               HERE

         (23/8/21)   "The Jukebox Age" (updated)                            HERE 



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    Read  more about this unusual but very popular form of coin-operated machine in our new                                                              "Trade Stimulator" area

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                                              Learn the history of the Mills Novelty Co on the "Mills" page


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                                                 Find more details of these machines on the "Pace Collection" Page


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                                 See these in action and more Buckley Machines on the "Buckley" Collection Page

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    See this Watling "Vibratory Doctor" and the "Electric Pig" (1895)on the four "Strange & unusual" pages                                                                                     




                                                                    To see how this Rock-Ola telephonic Jukebox                                                                                                                                         worked visit "The Juke Box Age" page       



                    See these and many other Penny weight scales on the Penny Scales page and read their histories                




         Take a walk down the British pleasure Pier (at least as far as the amusements) at our pleasure pier page


                             Wulff                                                      Bergmann                                                      NSM  

  Explore the three great German slot machine giants on their respective pages or click on any photo above to go                                                                                    directly to the page in question. 




                                             The Market Place Latest 


             Ruffler & Walker "Hat Trick"  for sale (£925) view in the marketplace                                                    


       My New Website for ordering replacement Artwork

                        is now up and running at



          We can make almost any  replacement  Award card, Top Glass, Belly glass, Reel glass,

         allwin backflash or reel strips for your machine,We also make dummy candy rolls and chocolate                  bars (Complete bars or just the labels)

         Award cards from £8 inc UK postage .click on the Jennings top glass for full details 

          We are now doing over 100 artwork jobs per year for collectors and restorers all over the world.

                                        In the last year, we have sent completed artwork to,

                         Denmark, France, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, U.S.A. Italy and the UK 


                                custom designs from £30

                       £26 inc UK Postage                                                                                                                                                                                         

                                  Find machines and slot related items  for sale on our Market Place Page


                                  Alfred E.Newman is alive and well and running this snack bar(at least he was in the 1940's)

           Note the Buckley jukebox on the right and the tabletop selector Alfred is pointing to